Procitao sam temu o avioncicima od lima, pa me zanima bavi li se ko "letecim" avioncicima. Pri tom ne mislim na avione sa motorima ili na one papirne. Prvenstveno me interesuju materijali od kojih se prave i naravno njihove dimenzije. Zanimaju me i tipovi avioncica koji imaju elisu koja se mehanicki namotava, cini mi se da je prave od neke vrste gume ili gumice. Tada, inace, elisa sluzi da vine avion sto vise i da on kasnije, u slobodnom padu lagano kruzi.
O avioncicima od papira ili o ovim na motorni pogon ima dosta sajtova, ali o ovima koji mene interesuju nisam nasao bas nista. Pa, ako neko zna...
Modeli aviona koji mogu da lete?
To je to. Samo, probacu da nadjem nesto i na cirilici, kao i konkretna uputstva kako napraviti modele, ukljucujuci odgovarajuce materijale i dimenzije. Sad bar znam kako se zovu On English. Pozdrav
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Biće ti mnogo jasnije!!
I na srpskom je!
nađoh ove aeroplane na netu, ovo je za početnike idealno
i nastavak...
i za kraj. Ovaj aviončić je napravljen od stiropora i njemu sličnih materjala, uputstvo je na engleskom, pa ko razume shvatiće.
Comments to the plan
These comments were written as hints, not as complete building instructions. They are to show some
soultions I found while building my version of the Citiabria, and are not neccessarily the perfect.
The plane is very easy to build but sometimes you´ll have to think a little, due to, for example the
Depron source problem. Nevertheless you may write me every question you have.
The material of the complete Plane is 3mm Depron. It has relativela thick fuse diameters, so Roofmate,
Styrofoam, Styrodur or something like this may also work, if it´s hot wire cut down to 1/8".
The sides of the fuselage and its upper- and lower sides can also be made of thinner material to
save some weight. On the other hand, it´s the old story - this will make the plane a little more fragile.
All carbon rods have a diameter of 1.5mm (~1/16").
- print the plan and resize it, so that the square on it has the correct measures printed to it.
- xerox the plan a few times, so you can cut it directly to gain the stencils for the fuselage, the
control surfaces and the wingtips.
- Cut two complete fuselage sides and two versions that reach until the dotted diagonal line. This
will be the inner reinforcements. Glue the reinforcements to the fuse sides. Be sure to make a left
and a right part.
- The widh of the frames will be like you want it to, 5 cm (2") is a good value.
- The nose block will be cut from styrofoam, EPP or any other foam you have handy. The motor will be
in a through that is filed to the block. It will be fixed in position by a rubber band that is
stretched over a carbon dowel that is pierced through the block.
- At the bach, the two side parts will be glued together. Rudder and elevator surfaces are kept together
by a small piece of the rudder that fits into a slot in the elevator surface. Glue this unit directly
onto the fuse end.
- At the parts of the fuse that are marked with small circles, carbon rodes are glued to the fues, that
they are about 5mm (1/5") over the fuse.
- Glue some depron on the upper and lower side of the fuse. Cut away the material the´s looking over the
- The motor sheeting consists of ordinary paper, that is held of the motor dowel.
- The wing are two parts of Depron, 40 x 17 cm (8" x 6 3/4"). Cut the wingtips using the stencils. Then do
the Klaustrophobic profile trick : just bend the first third of it over an table edge. This will form the
Profile. If it has about 10% camber, it is ok.
- Fix a 25 cm (10") long carbon rod with clear adhesive tape to the leading and trailing edge of the wing halfs.
- The wings will be fixed to the fuse with 2,5 mm silicon hose with 1mm inner diameter. Put one of this at each
end of the carbon rod. Tey will be needed to keep the wings struts.
- The struts form a V. The lower paert of the V is made of a piece of drilled PVC - hose. Secure it with a drop
of CA to keep it at the first lower carbon rod at the fuse, because it will cause ugly flight patterns, of this
thing gets loose during flight.
- The landing gear consists of carbon rods, each connection is made of PVC hose. The citabria - typic bended spar
between the wheels consists of 0.8 mm (1/32") piano wire. The "suspension" is made of a siple rubber band. The
wheel hubs can be made of plastic tube normally used for steering connections.
Further Information at :
eMail : [email protected]
Da vam predstavim jedan home made model. Naime, radi se o MIG-29, služio je u mom hangaru godinu, možda malo više dana. U ovom momentu već visi na plafonu, odslužio je svoje... Inače model ima jako interesantne letne karakteristike. Trenutno letim na modelu MIG-29 EVO II, a u izradi je MIG-29 EVO III. Na svakom modelu ima nekih malih izmena...
Ako vas interesuju detalji ovog, ili sličnih modela, vrlo rado ću ih postaviti i na ovaj forum...
izvinite tek sam poceoo da pravomm makete koje bi na kraju tebale da polete ...ako bih neko mogao da mi kaze koju bateriju da koristim i od kog materijala da pravim
Ako si pocetnik u modelarstvu preporucio bih ti na prvom mestu simulator:
Simulator na prvom mestu ce ti ustedeti novac od padova koje ces sigurno imati ako nikad nisi leteo pa cak i ako jesi i zelis da isporbas neku novu figuru koju nisi prethodno uvezbao
Razradice ti prstice i problematiku kad model ide ka tebi, sta je levo a sta desno itd itd...
Simulator mozes koristiti kad je kisa kad je sneg ili jednostavno kad nemas vremena za pravo letenje. Izuzetno su realno uradjeni jedino sto u simu imas xxx zivota ))
Evo jednog primera koliko je simulator realan.
U nasem drustvu prijatelj ima sina od 10god koji obozava avione. Poklonio sam mu jedan simulator i mali je tako mesecima leteo i leteo umesto da igra neke znj igrice na netu, posto neki od simulatora podrzavaju i online igranje leteli smo cak i zajedno i takmicili se ko ce vise balona da probusi )) iznenadilo me je to koliko mali lepo i sigurno leti i odlucio da mu prvom prilikom dam stanicu i da leti pravi model.
Jednog lepog i mirnog dana bez mnogo vetra izasli smo na pistu, malom dao stanicu i njegovu stanicu povezao sa mojom stanicom trainer kablom iz predostroznosti radi da ne ozledi nekog a i da sacuvam model. Model koji je leteo je Cesna 182 inace izuzetno stabilan i miran model. Ja se nisam toliko iznenadio (znajuci sta mali radi u online simu) koliko se njegov otac odusevio kad mu je sin poleteo pravim modelom, mali je napravio po dogovoru par skolskih krugova a onda krenuo da VILENI PO NEBU kao u simu ))))) u tom trenutku otac mu je uzeo stanicu iz ruku
)) Posle kratkog objasnjenja vratili smo malom stanicu i dogovorili se da odradi i zavrsi let sletanjem.
Sve je proslo odlicno....
Ovo je samo jedan primer da dete od 10god koje je vezbalo u simulatoru moze poleteti i sleteti pravi model
RC modelarstvo je prelep sport a ni cene vise nisu kao sto su nekad bile...
Moje pisanje nije reklama ka mojoj online prodavnici vec zelja da se sto vise ljudi ukljuci i oseti car ovog sporta. Vreme provedeno u samoj izgradnji modela i poleteti isti ili kupiti gotov model i provesti prelepe trenutke na otvorenom prostoru u danasnje vreme nema cenu.
Simulator je odlican pocetak za letenje a i da odlucis ako te stvarno interesuje ovaj sport i zelis da nastavis dalje.
Inace uz simulator saljem sledece simulatore:
1. AeroFly Professional Deluxe
4. Par filmova sa uputstvom za letenje
pocni odavde:
kljucne reci:
rubber motor plane model
free flight