Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:14d92d6c4a32d7f39f597735488e741c'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:2651:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Poštovani forumaši<br />\\nŽelim sa svima Vama da podelim iskustvo oko kupovine kamene vune za TA peć 3.5 kw od pre nekoliko dana .<br />\\nU potrazi za originalnom kamenom vunom HTB 700 pozovem Magnohrom Kraljevo i poručim kamenu vunu za TA peć 3,5 kw po ceni od 2880 dinara i poštarina od 400 dinara za troškove isporuke koju šalju preko Royal expresa .<br />\\nU toku sutrašnjeg dana stiže mi pa in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:76487b5277592235f6f98e5f0c57bb84'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:491:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Ovo lici na HTB 700 ali je po slici tesko to utvrditi.</p>\\n<p>Za nas laike jedino po tezini. </p>\\n<p>HTB700 je 150kg / m3</p>\\n<p>izmerite parce pa uporedite</p>\\n ', created = 1684585986, expire = 1684672386, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:76487b5277592235f6f98e5f0c57bb84'\";s:5:\&quo in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:ef87563aa0e256a2e2096e622d10c3c1'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:1208:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Reklamacija mi je odbijena, naravno, javio mi se licno direktor Magnohroma iako sam reklamaciju poslala Tehnimaniji jer sam od njih i kupila. Rekao je da sam na zalost izgubila pravo na reklamaciju jer mi je pec sastavljao majstor koji nije njihov ovlascen servis. Rekla sam mu da mi je njihov servis rekao da kod mene mogu doci tek za mesec dana i da nije sve ovo uredu on mi je rekao na to \\"zao mi je niste imali srece\\".< in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:38ef2239cbcf8a9ae7e1d19cd70c6fd8'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:1144:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Sonja,<br />\\nSmatram da ovaj odnos prema kupcima nije u redu. Poslaću link do ove teme na mesta gde se ljudi raspituju prilikom kupovine TA peći. Bar toliko možemo da učinimo da bi sprečili druge da ponove istu grešku.</p>\\n<p>Ako nisi ništa potpisala, pozovi Tehnomaniju i pitaj kada ćeš dobiti svoju peć koji si platila <img src=\\"http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/sites/all/ in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:df350c1d7c373a9859a9e23159afb427'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:485:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>laznen, potpisala sam radniku (ili kuriru) koji je doneo pec onu listu sto ostaje kod njega, ali ja nisam dobila nista od dokumenata iako su garanciju obecavali da salju postom za koji dan.</p>\\n ', created = 1684585986, expire = 1684672386, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:df350c1d7c373a9859a9e23159afb427'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmaj in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:ce09d875e4cf643c4a900abb01bcf885'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:1046:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Obavezan je ugovor o kupovini na daljinu, Zakon o zastiti potrosaca.</p>\\n<p>Taj direktor razgovara sa svima, jer Magnohrom i nije neka velika firma, on prima i porudzbine za robu, ako ne gresim Mikica se zove.</p>\\n<p>Vi niste nista o stetili, a oni nemaju servis. Ne mozete na taj nacin izgubiti garanciju. </p>\\n<p>Pa ja nisam ovlasceni serviser a sigurno znam m in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:476411c4297335aa74a6ce3c0e8301a9'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:683:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Zbog čega je ova vuna ovako raznolika i izmešana? Ja pretpostavljam da je zbog menjanja grejača tj. kako je ko skidao i menjao grejače uvek po malo je oštetio tablu vune ispod poklpca pa nadomestio čime je imao i svaki put neka druga vuna (sigurno ne odgovarajuća) je stavljana? ispod poklopca su četri vrste vune i sve se razlikuju od ploča vune koje su na bočnim zidovima..</p>\\n ', created = 1684585986, expire = 1 in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:463b25de9a7262d59d1ddf964a6fda37'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:316:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Tačna pretpostavka!</p>\\n ', created = 1684585986, expire = 1684672386, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:463b25de9a7262d59d1ddf964a6fda37'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:108;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:32d0656a041cfc2830f635cc8599465a'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:404:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Ovu vunu su rasturili misevi</p>\\n<p>U donjem levom uglu se vidi rupa gde su silazili i na dole.</p>\\n ', created = 1684585986, expire = 1684672386, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:32d0656a041cfc2830f635cc8599465a'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\" in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:4c9765b365055909978911296471837b'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:675:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>To za miševe mi nije palo na pamet. Ali kako oni mogu da uđu do pod poklopac osim odozdo kroz kanale za izduvavanje pa među opeke ili kroz izolaciju do gore? Ali našao bih vunu i ispod u donjem delu peći ali nje tamo nema. Samo je ispod poklopca ovako razkomadana. Ja nikako da prođem kroz Kruševac preko dana u neko normalno vreme pa da svratim da uzmem to parče vune...</p>\\n ', created = 1684585986, expire = 168467238 in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:adad70cbac31e9ba0751f951b517415e'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:668:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Ovo parce vune je milion posto mis iskomadao. A ulaze i preko termostata. Ne tako retko nailazim na pecene miseve.</p>\\n<p>Saljem ja i brzom postom, svakog dana. <img src=\\"http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/sites/all/modules/smileys/packs/Roving/wink.png\\" title=\\"Wink\\" alt=\\"Wink\\" class=\\"smiley-content\\"/></p&g in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:02822d474f530640a71fe149b00ea22e'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:1579:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Evo i moje iskustvo, od juce.</p>\\n<p>Pre nekih 10-ak dana sam menjao grejace ( spiralni) u peci Magnohrom od 4 kW/h.</p>\\n<p>Tom prilikom sam primetio da je vuna na gornjoj strani u fronclama i komadicima ( jos gora nego na slici Histerezisa , 4 posta iznad).<br />\\nResim da je zamenim, proguglam i vidim za tu HTB700, nadjem je na stovaristu u Zelezniku ( 900 din tabla 100 x in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:180f224af92ed49571c81a9020c428b6'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:994:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Mozda sam otkrio razlog.<br />\\nUpravo sam ispipao celu gornju povrsinu peci ( ohladila se malo pa je sad moguce) i primetna je nejednakost u toploti.</p>\\n<p>Na ploci blize zadnjoj stranici peci, skoro je jednaka topolta gornje ploce i stranice, ali napred je potpuno suprotno ( stranica mlaka, ploca vrela).<br />\\nVerovatno sam pri uklanjaju ostataka stare gornje izolacije, usisivacem \\&am in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:ea73c9ff555e1af96778faccbcbfc667'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:532:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>Najlakse se vidjeti gdje gali izolacije kad je pec bas vrela. Nije najprijatnije, ali je pouzdanije. Tamo gdje je slabija izolacija bile vrelina samo tako, i osjeti se, pa tu treba pojacati sa izolacijom i sabiti sto vise moze da stane.</p>\\n ', created = 1684585986, expire = 1684672386, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:ea73c9ff555e1af96778faccbcbfc667'\";s:5:\"%file\&q in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:054de76b6fd608d5ef089753eb6245e8'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:479:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = ' <p></p><p>@Bosske</p>\\n<p>Hvala.<br />\\nTako je bilo i u mom slucaju. Samo sa prednje strane peci je bilo \\"slabo mesto\\" u duzini od 30cm i tu je probijala vrelina.</p>\\n ', created = 1684585986, expire = 1684672386, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:054de76b6fd608d5ef089753eb6245e8'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\" in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:abfecc63f09f063c306e2753273f32e4'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:942:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><iframe id=\\'a431a3a0\\' name=\\'a431a3a0\\' src=\\'https://adserver.samsvojmajstor.com/adserver/www/delivery/afr.php?zoneid=26&cb=9900435235423422\\' frameborder=\\'0\\' scrolling=\\'no\\' width=\\'728\\' height=\\'90\\'><a href=https://adserver.samsvojmajstor.com/adserver/www/delivery/ck.php?n=afcbc006&cb=99004352 in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:ca011fdebe3a51dea5859d4aba19f564'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:956:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><iframe id=\\'a354bc39\\' name=\\'a354bc39\\' src=\\'https://adserver.samsvojmajstor.com/adserver/www/delivery/afr.php?zoneid=27&cb=002874370149734552\\' frameborder=\\'0\\' scrolling=\\'no\\' width=\\'234\\' height=\\'160\\'><a href=\\'https://adserver.samsvojmajstor.com/adserver/www/delivery/ck.php?n=aa83fdd3& in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:195:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:64a277481435f3c6a7b18eb6fa57f957'\";s:5:\"%file\";s:76:\"/home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:25;}', 3, '', 'http://www.samsvojmajstor.com/portal/forums/uradi-sam/sam-svoj-majstor/ta-pec-zamena-kamene-vune-2017?page=1', '', '', 1684585986) in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './ssm_restore/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:868:\"Table 'ssm_restore.cache_filter' doesn't exist\nquery: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><iframe id=\\'a694a55c\\' name=\\'a694a55c\\' src=\\'https://nepremicnine.click/www/delivery/afr.php?zoneid=99&cb=43241234\\' frameborder=\\'0\\' scrolling=\\'no\\' width=\\'300\\' height=\\'600\\'><a href=\\'https://nepremicnine.click/www/delivery/ck.php?n=a9f8f8a5&cb=63456\\' target=\\'_b in /home/admin/domains/samsvojmajstor.com/public_html/portal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135
TA PEC ZAMENA KAMENE VUNE | www.samsvojmajstor.com