Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd | 2002 | ISBN: 0751337315 | 256 pages | PDF | 5,9 MB
A manual that enables anyone to deal quickly and confidently with every emergency affecting the home or family. Carefully structured and colour-coded for instant access to life-saving information, it features easy-to-follow action plans and symptom charts. There is also a fill-in section for emergency contacts. Topics include: asthma; unconsciousness; bleeding; burns; convulsions; cuts; broken bones; checking breathing and pulse; giving medicines; complementary therapies; burst pipes; blocked drain; power failure; broken window; fire safety; chemical spillage; electrical problems; storms; lightening; extreme cold; torrential rain; flood; tornado; and earthquake.<br /> ili<br />
ovo bi trebala da ima svaka kuca i da se deca u skolama uce kako se postupa u emergentnim situacijama, jer samo jedna pogresna akcija u kriticnoj situaciji moze nekoga zivota da kosta.
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